

Maximize your aid

Our personalized approach will help you understand how you can afford college for your student. You will benefit from the knowledge of our consulting staff that have worked directly in financial aid offices of some of the largest and prestigious institutions in the country.


Our proprietary system will help you determine your eligibility for need-based financial aid and also target the schools that will provide you with the lowest net price that meet your student’s criteria.


We work to minimize your stress, provide clear and concise explanations, and help you make the choices that are right for you and your student. 


We offer insider knowledge that you wont find with other consultants who have never worked in a financial aid office. Consider that when selecting the right person to help you!


We tailor the experience to your needs. Whether you want to be hands-on  with our guidance, or if you want complete stress relief, select our comprehensive package and allow us to handle the process from beginning to end. It’s up to you.  


Take the worry out of deciding what college is best for you, how to pay for it, and how to get colleges to compete for you!  We know the ins and outs of how institutions build their incoming freshman class and can make that work for you. 


Take the first step and contact us for our Aid Analytics and College Fit service. Understanding how the methodology formulas work is the first step to making college more affordable!

Our services

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Why working with f.a.c.s is the right choice



Whether you or your child is preparing for college or already enrolled, your family will benefit from working with our college aid consultants – saving time and money on college.


 1. Save time and effort applying for college

Applying to college can be a stressful time for busy parents and students. Our consultants are experts with the financial aid process and will complete paperwork and submit the necessary applications and other important documents in a timely manner.


2. Make college more affordable

We will help you find schools that are affordable and eliminate institutions less likely to give you financial aid – saving you time and money with your college searches and applications.


3.  A solid investment in the grand scheme of college costs

Working with our consultants can save you money by discovering the colleges that have the lowest out of pocket costs, while providing you the most in financial aid. Considering the tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars families spend on college, using a consultant is a smart investment.


4. Experienced with the college financial aid process

We have prior experience with education lending and financial aid administration at public, private, and proprietary institutions. We know how the systems work and the various methods to secure the most financial aid possible.


5. Assist and advise your family with special circumstances

Each family’s financial situation is different. We have the expertise to guide you through your unique financial circumstances, such as job loss, illness, and other unexpected situations. We can write up and submit financial aid appeals if you believe that colleges did not consider your actual ability to pay.


6. Confidential and independent advice

Our consultants do not have ties to specific colleges, private education lenders, or other outside interests. We provide honest, unbiased advice that is the best for your family. We do our best to help educate parents and students through the process so that they can make informed decisions regarding paying for college.


7. We work on your schedule

Students and families are always on the go. Our consultants work around your schedule to provide you with the individual attention that you will not receive from college financial aid advisers. Weekends, evenings, when you have the time, we make the time.


8. Assistance with scholarship searches

Using a well-developed profile of the student, including interests, possible majors, and other activities, we can direct you towards scholarships and colleges that are in line with the student’s goals. We could direct you towards institutions you may have never heard of or thought you could not afford.